On Thursday, 2/8, MARISSA FOGAL facilitated SCRUM MYTHBUSTERS – an activity from The Liberators.
Using Mentimeter, Marissa set up a myth/fact quiz for participants to test their Scrum knowledge. We flipped through a series of 9 statements about Scrum, and players determined whether the statement was a myth or a fact. After all players submitted their choices, the correct answer was displayed and we moved on to the next statement. When all 9 statements had been answered, Marissa reviewed each one individually and facilitated discussion to explore what might turn the myths into facts.
We also debriefed on how we might leverage this activity with our teams or workshops and what we might do differently. This is a simple activity that could be sprinkled into retrospectives or combined with Liberating Structure techniques to enhance dialogue and learnings.
This is a short, yet impactful activity to facilitate with teams. Thank you for joining us and we hope to see you at the next event!
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