This month, David took the group through a Retro on the past year of Agile and games. Using a Conceptboard, the group shared the items they believe to be working and areas to look to improve in 2022.
Some experiments to look into included:
- Evaluate whether 8 am is the best time/day for folks to meet
- Brainstorm future session ideas and not limit to strictly games
- Facilitator has a list of resources handy during the game to share vis Zoom chat
- Connect with other Agile gaming groups
- Officially organize AGTC on
- Create a dedicated Slack channel for next session announcements
- Consider meeting up in-person
- Create a vision for AGTC and update the website to include it
- Call for facilitators more than 1 month in advance
- Create a backlog for future meetup ideas
Overall, there were some great ideas generated. Look for several of them to be implemented in the coming months. If YOU have passion around any of these, feel free to reach out!